RACI Matrix: Responsibility Assignment Matrix Guide 2023

This article will discuss a raci matrix, its goals, benefits, and drawbacks. Because miscommunication is a common threat to any project, RACI charts are a great asset to teams dealing with any type of project, from very simple projects to extremely complex ones. A RACI chart, also called a RACI matrix, is a type of responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) in project management. In practice, it’s a simple spreadsheet or table that lists all stakeholders on a project and their level involvement in each task, denoted with the letters R, A, C or I. Once these roles are defined, assignments can be attributed to the roles and work can begin.

raci defintion

It’s important to keep track of exactly who will be working on a certain task or project. Examples are the sponsor, project manager, team members, analysts and more. The RACI Matrix has a fixed design, with the names of functional roles on the horizontal axis and the various tasks, activities, the achievements to be delivered and responsibilities on the vertical axis.

RAPID responsibility matrix

Consulted parties may be individuals on the project team who aren’t working on a given task but whose work will be affected by the outcome. They’re also often teammates outside of the project team—even in different departments—whose work will be affected by the outcomes of the project. The chart is designed to ensure clear communication and smooth workflows across all parts of a team. Keep in mind there is a fine line when creating your tasks in a RASCI matrix. If you end up going too high -level things will slip through the cracks, making the entire exercise pointless. Yet by going too far into detail, you’ve just promoted yourself to that of a micro-manager.

  • In short, RACI makes it easier to have the right conversation with the right people.
  • The last thing you want is to pile undue pressure on a few individuals as they pick up the slack of others.
  • This oversight often becomes a painful discovery process—causing unneeded anxiety and frustration” (full report available to Gartner clients only).
  • For example, you may have “project manager” listed as a role, which suggests that whoever holds that position will execute the project manager’s responsibilities.
  • However, it does not consider the person responsible for the task, which may lead to confusion.
  • For example, if you’re looking to write a step-by-step instruction manual for your company’s products, the Consulted party could be a product manager.
  • If we take a project like building a website, the examples are website designing, testing, and client approval.

Finally, you can use Wrike’s RACI model template to streamline communication, as every project detail is clearly visualized for all team members. This helps create a coherent structure for each project you take on — one in which everyone understands the part they play. Typically, you should only have one person accountable for each task. When you come up with this list, think about every stage of the project so that you don’t leave any roles out. It isn’t limited to internal team members either so if you plan on working with subcontractors, it’s worth including them for full transparency. At this point, you now know why you might need a RACI chart, so you’re probably wondering how to make your own.

As you implement the RACI matrix…

The milestones are also different and the team members may have changed, or the team may have been completely replaced. In case of confusion about the project or the activities, it’s time to distribute the original project plan among the team. RACI charts are limited because they aren’t able to adapt to your project needs in real time. In order to establish clear expectations and eliminate confusion on the project level, you need a project management tool.

raci defintion

Outside of this exception, it is generally recommended that each role in the project or process for each task receive, at most, just one of the participation types. To create a RACI chart, list all of a project’s tasks down the left-hand column and stakeholders across the top row. For each task, enter an R, A, C or I to assign a level of involvement for each stakeholder in each task. Responsible designates the task as assigned directly to this person (or group of people). The responsible person is the one who does the work to complete the task or create the deliverable. Every task should have at least one responsible person and could have several.

Identify all project roles

You’ll also learn how to make a RACI chart using our free Excel template or, even better, build RACI roles directly into your project plan using TeamGantt. By listing all stakeholders and assigning a level of involvement for each task, the chart helps teams communicate clearly and keep the right people in the loop. Beyond just projects, RASCI defines roles and responsibilities on a daily basis for all processes in your organization, especially document approval status and control.

raci defintion

A RACI chart is a useful tool for aligning roles and responsibilities with major project tasks, and project management software is a powerful tool for managing every part of a project from kickoff to delivery. TeamGantt makes mapping raci defintion task roles and responsibilities simple by building a RACI chart right into your project plan. Not only does that save you time and paperwork, but it also ensures everyone always has easy access to your RACI matrix online.

Step 6: distribute copies

Sometimes, the ‘S’ (RASCI) or ‘O’ (CAIRO) is added to the RACI model. The ‘S’ stands for Support; someone who supports and motivates team members to carry on in the project. This powerful solution is often used with PRINCE2 project management and the LEAN method. Can you identify exactly who’s doing what by when for each task, milestone, and deliverable in your project? First, lay out a rough approximation of who you think will fit each role in the project. Just because you’ve done your research and learned the acronym doesn’t mean everyone else has.

In addition to customizations on columns, statuses, and more, easily assign roles to internal users or guest users created for external stakeholders. All assigned roles will automatically get informed of status changes to the work item. Generally, nobody should have more than a single responsibility level for each deliverable or activity group in the RACI chart. In this example, we’ve given every person some level of involvement to keep things simple. But when you make a real model for more than four people, there’s often more white space.

Popular Templates

RACI is an acronym of Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed. The matrix design of the RACI Matrix describes the participation of the various functional roles in the project or business process, in completing tasks or results. RACI charts are also particularly helpful when the decision-making process is split between tasks. There might be scenarios where the Informed on one task or milestone is the Responsible or Consulted on another—in order to have that clearly defined, it’s helpful to track this work in a RACI chart. After a few rounds of feedback, you should have a finished RACI matrix in hand.

All you have to do in Hive to ensure that someone is informed of project progress is add them into a project or add them as a follower on a task. They now have access to project progress and will be alerted when it is completed, and if anything major changes. RACI charts are a part of the overall project, but they’re not the only thing you need to plot out before you get started. RACI charts work best with a project timeline, including milestones, tasks, and all involved team members. This software allows users to track everything they need, from open tasks to task milestones and resource planning. The process of creating a RACI matrix usually involves a single person doing most of the work while consulting the people who’ll be working on a project.

Zoho Projects

Only a single person can be labeled as “accountable” in a RACI chart. They are an important stakeholder and usually have the last say in any decision. No matter what happens in a project, they’re ultimately accountable for its result — since they’ll likely be the ones answering to executives or other higher-ups. Let your team know that your RACI chart doesn’t necessarily have to be set in stone, and that you welcome feedback and change requests. By sharing your RACI chart early in your project’s lifetime, you’re getting access to feedback before the work starts. If you’ve ever left a meeting wondering who’s doing what, or what your responsibilities are, consider implementing RACI charts.